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Kickstarter of Note: Sirius Online

Do you remember the old space sim Freelancer? Well Digital Dawn Studios certainly do, as they're citing it as inspiration for their currently Early Access game Sirius Online. With a whole universe to mine, trade or just explore in, the game is designed to be whatever you want it to be. With the aforementioned Freelancer and EVE Online both cited as influences on the game, there's certainly a rich background to it.

sirius online screenshot

Whilst an early build of the game is available on Steam, the developers; brothers Rene and Michael Dirks (aka Dex and Xaymar), want to expand that universe even further. To do this, they are enlisting the help of the fans via their freshly created Kickstarter campaign. They are aiming for an initial funding goal of €25,000 to complete the title, with additional stretch goals set for if they are able to smash that target. 

This isn't just some flash-in-the pan like some Kickstarter campaigns though. The brothers have been working on this game for 15 years already, and have even gone as far as to create scale models of the in-game ships, which are available as one of a number of physical backer rewards on offer.


If the funding is successful, the Wilhelmshaven-based developers plan on having the upgraded game (new engine and such) available in July. With over 42,000 owners of the game already, there's a large community already springing up and if the Kickstarter is a hit, then that can only get bigger. The money will go towards polishing the game, including a new engine and better VR support. 


Gary "Dombalurina" Sheppard

Staff Writer

Gary maintains his belief that the Amstrad CPC is the greatest system ever and patiently awaits the sequel to "Rockstar ate my Hamster"

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Acelister - 09:17am, 20th April 2016

I'm excited to see this game grow!
