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Kerbal Space Program Heads To 1.0

Squad have announced over on the Kerbal Space Program forum that they are ready to go to version 1.0 and leave beta.

After four years of work, they have realised that they have met all the original goals they set themselves in their design document and it's time to take that big step to "release" status.

Of course, this only means that new patches and updates will start with a 1 not a 0 as they fully intend to continue to release updates for the game so you can strand those adorable little yellow guys in orbit and watch them die of oxygen deprivation.

The update will includes:

  •  A New Drag Model
  •  A New Lift System
  •  An Aerodynamic Stability Overlay that shows craft stability as you build them
  •  The Engineer’s Report which is a in the VAB and SPH which will warn you of crucial issues in your design like a missing fuel tank
  •  TimeWarp To which prevents mess ups with burns
  •  Deep Space and Planetary Refueling which allows you to snag stuff from asteroids
  •  Game Over mess up too often and you'll get the sack.
  •  New Landing Gears 
  •  New, Larger Wings 
  •  Kerbal Clamber, Kerbals can climb!
  •  Female Kerbals!
  •  Economic Systems Rebalancing
  •  Part Stats Rebalancing
  •  New Contracts
  •  Tier 0 Buildings
  •  A Sound Overhaul
  •  And Bugfixes, of course.

All of which sounds like the guys over at Squad have been busy little beavers and deserve to hit the landmark 1.0 release.

Chris Wootton

Chris Wootton

Staff Writer

Vendor of anecdotes and drinker of coffee "Mr Woot" currently resides in the South West. He tends towards the sesquipedalian.

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