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JANITOR BLEEDS Release Date Trailer

In a dark forest after a horrible car crash, you search for the nearest safe house and stumble upon an old arcade; someone has been here recently. In search of help, you delve into the darkness of the building, only to be pulled aside by an evil arcade machine and be forced to play it— Wait, what?

JANITOR BLEEDS is a retro-inspired horror game, where you'll need to delve deeper into the arcade whilst also progressing through the story of the game inside of JANITOR (the aforementioned evil arcade machine) to find your way out. The further you go, the more you notice that what you do inside of the arcade game affects the real world.

JANITOR BLEEDS Official Release Trailer 2022 1 5 screenshot

The trailer showcases how JANITOR looks roaming the halls along, along with how the game inside of the evil arcade machine looks, ending with the game's official release date: 7th of April. Can you endure the haunting task of surviving through the arcade, or will you perish to it?

Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Staff Writer

Writes in her sleep, can you tell?

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