It's the Second Half of Fiona's True Colors in Dead or Alive Xtreme Venus Vacation
It's time for the True Colors Fiona (Second Half) festival on Venus Island!
Fiona who is waiting for the Boss for a date has been struggling with a certain worry recently. She feels as if something is missing. Without being able to voice her worry, she goes on a date with the Boss and midway, Lobelia appears before the two of them, proposing for them to go on a date as a group of three...
Collect Gold Princess Hearts to exchange for, among other things, Guts Drinks!
With the Trendy Gacha you can get the Dawn Brocade outfit!
You can also use the Nostalgia Gacha to also get the Dawn Brocade outfit!
Don't miss out, the True Colors Fiona (Second Half) festival! ends on 12th of January 2025!
If you want to participate in this festival, unfortunately DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation is still only available in certain regions via Steam, and digital download in Japan.