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InSomnia Playable Demo Released

InSomnia Playable Demo Released

Kickstarter funded game, InSomnia now has a playable demo available as a celebration of reaching 50% of it's $70,000 goal in just 10 days of it's campaign. 

InSomnia is a real-time, strategic, co-op RPG currently being developed by independent development house, Studio MONO. It is set in a dystopian universe with "..retro-futuristic, diesel-punk styling.." and boasts "..genuinely unique game mechanics..". In the world of InSomnia, the visible realm is a veil behind which are hidden many layers of reality that very few can hope to comprehend according to it's website.

InSomnia promises some very cool features like randomly generated events and missions, a deep crafting system and real time combat with various ways of playing available. With 19 days to go on it's Kickstarter campaign, it's hard to imagine InSomnia not reaching its full funding goal. You can download the demo now from their Kickstarter page.

Ian Plumpton

Ian Plumpton

News Reporter

His skill mostly resides in talking a good game. Legend has it he once hit somebody on Call of Duty but no evidence has been found.

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