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inFAMOUS: Second Son Fails To Hit Titanfall's First-Week Figures

inFAMOUS: Second Son Fails To Hit Titanfall's First-Week Figures

As we reported, Titanfall managed to sell more Xbox One's than any other title since launch. Sony's hopes were high for inFAMOUS: Second Son to do the same, it being their latest AAA title. However, after a week on sale it doesn't appear to have had the desired effect.

Titanfall had first week sales of over 580,500 in NA (nearly 130,000 in the UK).

inFAMOUS: Second Son had a first week of over 370,000 in NA (just over 77,400 in the UK).

This is still more than the multi-platform Metal Gear V: Ground Zeroes put together (279,000 NA, 59,000 UK), but quite shy of the huge number that Titanfall managed. However it has helped Sony maintain its lead in console sales.

The week of Titanfall's release, Xbox One sales spiked by 118% with almost 105,000 consoles sold in North America (19,000 UK). Sony managed to sell 47,000 (10,000 UK) PlayStation 4s.

inFAMOUS: Second Son's week saw only 75,000 (14,000 UK) Xbox Ones sold.  Sony almost doubled their previous week with 89,000 (21,000 UK) PlayStation 4s going out.

We'll have to wait to see what kind of effect the next big AAA title has - Watch_Dogs.  Being multi-platform, it will certainly make for some interesting findings.

Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.


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