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I Am Bread Coming To PS4

I Am Bread Coming To PS4

Do you like bread? Do you like video games? Good news! The world's first bread simulator, I Am Bread, is making its way to PS4.

You take control of this basic sustenance on an epic quest to become toast. Unfortunately, your journey is not an easy one. The bread's lack of limbs makes avoiding the dirt of the household a monumental task.

I Am Bread also includes a whole host of game modes that see you take control of a new type of bread, each with their own variation of the controls and completely new goals and challenges. Baguettes are tasked with bringing destruction to this unsuspecting home, while bagels participate in time trials.

I Am Bread is to be released for PS4 this summer, although an exact date has not yet been specified. To see what we thought of the PC version, check out our review.




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