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Humble Indie Bundle 11

Humble Indie Bundle 11

Once again, those lovely lads and lasses over at humblebundle.com have done it again! This time Humble Indie Bundle 11 features six top-notch indie games for a price you can decide!

If you pay over the average, which at the time of writing is $4.11 you get all this and the soundtracks with yet more as yet unannounced titles to be unlocked later.

It should be noted however, that Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams is currently available DRM-free and on Steam only for Windows. Mac and Linux versions will be available later this year and online multiplayer for Monaco: What's Yours is Mine is only available via Steam.

The two charities up for your donations are once again the Child's Play Charity and the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Chris Wootton

Chris Wootton

Staff Writer

Vendor of anecdotes and drinker of coffee "Mr Woot" currently resides in the South West. He tends towards the sesquipedalian.

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