Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Confirms Release Date
The sequel to the hit game Hotline Miami has received a confirmed release date of March 10th and is only available on PC and PlayStation products, much like we expected.
The developers of Hotline Miami tweeted earlier saying:
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number launches on PlayStation and PC March 10! Preorders available on Steam, Humble and GOG.
Explaining briefly that we can pre-order the game from Steam (£9.89), Humble Store (£6.49) and Good Old Games (£10.89) as-well as the Digital Special Edition which is available for a few extra pounds. For now the game is on sale for 10% less than the full price.
The game is said to feature a custom level editor that will be released in spring 2015 rather than releasing with the game. You can "design custom levels using characters, enemies, weapons and music tracks from the game and share your creations with others online via Steam Workshop."
Alongside the game, you can download the free Hotline Miami 2 Digital Comics, as mentioned last week.
Download the Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number digital comic series by Dayjob Studio prior to the release of the game and dive into the backstory of several factions on a path to confrontation. The entire five-part series is free to download and comes in a single app that will be updated with new issues leading up to the launch of Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number.
As a treat Payday 2 has included themed masks based on Hotline Miami 2 like they did last year with the original Hotline Miami.
Phil - 06:41pm, 26th February 2015 Author
As a lover of the original, I definitely hope this hits the expectations!
Calmine - 07:53pm, 27th February 2015
I can not f***ing wait for this! My Vita is so ready.