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Hot Brass Receives Release Date

A SWAT team has got to think fast and act with surgical precision. You'll learn that soon enough when Walk With Kings' top-down SWAT tactics title, Hot Brass, launches on PC and Mac on the 26th February.

In Hot Brass, players will take on a series of life-and-death missions by themselves or with up to three friends. Stealth tactics will be invaluable, as will intelligent use of the myriad pieces of equipment made available to them. Hostage situations, bomb threats, casino heists and more—the situations players will be tasked with defusing are numerous. 

For a trial of the game, you can check out the demo in the Steam Game Festival: February 2021 Edition, running from the 3rd - 9th February.

Hot Brass launches on the 26th February for PC and Mac.

Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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