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Hitman Release Schedule Announced

Hitman Release Schedule Announced

Now you'll have to bear with us for this one, because it's a bit... different. On the official website, the details for the release of the new Hitman game have been announced. Due to this new iteration of everyone's favourite barcoded protagonist being a "live game" where new events are being released (much like content patches in MMOs) there are technically four release dates. Yep, four.

So the game first launches on 11th March 2016 and that first release will contain three sandbox locations (Paris, Sapienza and Marrakesh), six campaign missions and 800 targets in the Contracts mode. The live content will also begin upon this release, which will involve limited IOI developed contacts and promoted contracts created by players. 

Following on from this, for the next three months, a new location will be released. April sees Thailand, May brings the United States of America and June gives you Japan. Each new location of course brings new missions, contracts and signature kills, but also comes with new weapons, disguises and even ways of taking out targets.

So that's the release schedule sorted, what about pricing?

Well you can pay $59.99 (USD) for the full game which will give you access to all initial content as well as all the additional content released in later months (and access to the Beta). Or, if you'd like to trial the initial content first, you can pay $34.99 for just the March content with an additional charge of $29.99 if you'd like to upgrade to the whole kit and caboodle later on. The upgrade will be available from that first release date in March. Still confused? Well hopefully this handy info-graphic below will help.

hitman release chart2 

Emsey P. Walker

Emsey P. Walker

Junior Editor

Emsey is a lover of games and penguins. Apparently she does some writing too...somewhere...

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Acelister - 03:45pm, 30th September 2015

That is one insane way to sell a Season Pass...
