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//HEX Early Access Launch Trailer

Want to become a multi-billionaire without leaving your computer chair? Yeah, us too. Unfortunately, we'll all have to settle for //HEX, the co-op bank-hacking simulator from Solis Studios that promises to recreate the Hollywood fantasy of high-stakes virtual heists. Check out the teaser trailer above.

Recently released on Steam Early Access, //HEX requires efficient communication between two co-op partners (one as 'hacker' the other as 'control') in order to overcome the various security systems (*cough* puzzles *cough*) and earn a fortune in any one of four currencies: Dollar, Euro, Pound and Crypto.

//HEX is out now on Steam Early Access.

Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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