Heroes of The Storm: Warcraft Heroes Preview Trailer
Heroes of the Storm, previously known as Blizzard DOTA and Blizzard All-Stars, is an upcoming team-based competitive game. In the game each player controls a hero with unique abilities, and works with his or her team to invade and destroy the enemy team's base. However, it has some differences from other DOTA-style games including shared experience, customization via hero levelling and maps with unique objectives.
Heroes of The Storm will feature characters from Diablo, Starcraft and Warcraft universes.
Characters confirmed to be in the game (as of BlizzCon 2013) include:
- Diablo: Azmodan, Butcher, Diablo, King Leoric, Naziba (witch doctor), Sonya (barbarian), Tyrael, Valla (demon hunter)
- StarCraft: Abathur, Kerrigan, Nova, Raynor, Sgt. Hammer (siege tank), Tassadar, Tychus, Zagara, Zeratul
- Warcraft: Anub'arak, Arthas, Chen, Cho'gall, E.T.C., Falstad, Gazlowe, Gelbin, Illidan, Jaina, Li Li, Magni, Malfurion, Muradin, Murkablo (as a Diablo skin), Rexxar, Stitches, Sylvanas, Thrall, Tyrande, Uther, Zul'jin
Blizzard have released the above images of some of the Warcraft Heroes being added to the game, which is currently in a technical alpha stage.