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HeatWave - Manage Your Own Guerrilla Faction and Fight For Freedom

Developer Perimeter Games has unveiled its debut project HeatWave, set for release on PC and Switch. Combining turn-based combat with real-time colony management simulation in a harsh pre-apocalyptic world, HeatWave looks to provide a gaming experience not found elsewhere.

Set in fictional version of future Alaska, abandoned by the US government and under threat from Russian invaders, players must assemble a guerrilla force from the state's once peaceful resident and reclaim their freedom. As well as engaging in combat with Russian invaders, players must manage their faction, helping to ensure their survival in a harsh Alaskan wilderness under threat from the pressures of climate change. There's combat, exploration, diplomacy, trading, crafting and more. You may have seen all of these gameplay elements before, but have you seen them all rolled into one package? Not likely; it should be interesting to see how it pans out.

HeatWave has no planned release date, but it's set for release on PC and Switch.

Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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