Hearthstone Third Ranked Play Season Ending Shortly
Blizzard has announced that the third ranked play season for Hearthstone is due to end imminently. This statement was released earlier.
Thank you for helping us test our third Ranked Play season! This season is intended to conclude at 11:59 PM PST on February 28th for the North American region and at 11:59 PM CET on February 28th for the European region, so be sure to wrap up your climb up the ladder before that date. Once the season is over, everyone’s ranking will be reset back to Rank 25, and Test Season 4 will begin!
- Blizzard Hearthstone Facebook Page
Hearthstone has three types of play mode; casual, ranked and arena. The ranked play mode lets you play against other players earning stars for victories and loosing stars for losses after rank 20. The mode has 25 levels and allows you to earn stars and progress to level 1. A list of the highest ranked players in the EU is available here.