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Hardspace: Shipbreaker Release Date Reveal Trailer

Hardspace: Shipbreaker is coming out of Early Access soon! For those that don't know what the game is all about: Shipbreaker is a space simulation physics game where players will take contracts to disassemble and salvage ships so that they can pay off their debt to LYNX Corp. Break the wrong part and you'll die, but don't worry, LYNX will just clone you back into life... for a price.

The game features:

  • Zero gravity physics.
  • Challenge modes.
  • Procedurally generated ships to salvage.
  • Relax at the personal station between shifts, review recovered data, repair and upgrade your equipment, or just put up posters salvaged during the job.
  • Varied types of ships to salvage.
  • Four heavy-duty tools to use: Split-Saw Cutter, Stinger Laser, Grapple Tool with Deployable Tethers, and Demo Charge.
  • Tools durability system for realism.
  • Climb the ranks of difficulty in ship salvaging.
  • Earn achievements during key career milestones in form of stickers that you can apply to the tools.
  • The game also offers different difficulties and modes to choose from, fitting a varied amount of playstyles.

For a more in-depth look at the game, check out the video here at GameGrin! Hardspace: Shipbreaker will release — after two whole years of Early Access updating — on the 24th of May on Steam.

Violet Plata

Violet Plata

Staff Writer

Liable to jump at her own shadow.

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