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Hammerting - A Deep Dive into the Fluid Update

Strategic dwarven mining sim Hammerting has released its latest update, known as the "Fluid Update", for Windows via Steam Early Access and the Epic Games Store. Take an in-depth look at the update, courtesy of Warpzone Studios' Anders Elfgren, in the video above. 

In addition to new recipes, ingredients, knowledges and the concept of dwarf sovereignty, the update adds fluids to the list of things the dwarves can encounter during their mining expeditions. It comes in two forms, lava and water. One of them players will want to be far more wary of; we're sure you can figure out which one!

For more details of the changes and additions in this latest update, including the myriad bugfixes which the studio has implemented, check out the changelog below.

The Fluid Update is out now for Hammerting on Steam Early Access and the Epic Games Store (also in Early Access).

Read the full patch notes
Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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