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Halo Infinite's Campaign Overview Shares New Details

After last year’s delay, Microsoft has finally revealed the long-awaited new look at the Halo Infinite campaign. In this overview, 343 has shared many new details about Halo Infinite’s story and we got a very good look at the game’s dynamic sandbox.

The new six-minute long trailer shows us an extensive look at the gameplay and introduces us to several new weapons, enemies, bosses, and Master Chief’s new AI called The Weapon. Halo Infinite will have the franchise’s biggest campaign to date, giving players more freedom than ever and it is set in the Zeta Halo ring.

We see new hints about Halo Infinite’s story. The events unfold right after Halo 5, and we get a new look at Cortana. It seems like Master Chief will be chasing after Cortana to find out what happened to her after the events of the last game. In addition to that, we also see Banished and an upgraded version of Banished leader Escharum. There is also a new ‘spartan-killer’ Jega introduced in the trailer.

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There were also many visual upgrades shown throughout the trailer and the game looks better than ever. Halo Infinite launches on 8th of December 2021 exclusively to Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and PC. It will be included with Xbox Game Pass.

See you on the battlefield, spartan.

Ibrahim K

Ibrahim K

Staff Writer

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