Hacker Evolution Bundle
There are several websites that do Bundles - most notably The Humble Bundle which just brought out the Humble Rhythm Bundle. As we've said before, they are a great way to bulk your Steam account on the cheap.
For one month only, Bundle Stars has brought the Hacker Bundle to your internet. Hacker Evolution, its two sequels and eight assorted DLC. But where Bundle Stars differs from Humble Bundle is, there is a set price for everything, no tiers.
Hacker Evolution sees you hacking various banks to earn money for upgrades, and businesses to find information to take down your enemies. But don't expect it to turn you into a hacker capable of removing all of the money from George Clooney's bank account.
This bundle gives you three games and eight DLC.
Hacker Evolution
Hacker Evolution: Hardcore Package 1
Hacker Evolution: Untold
Hacker Evolution: Untold - Hardcore Package 1
Hacker Evolution Duality
Hacker Evolution: Duality - Inception Part 1
Hacker Evolution: Duality - Inception Part 2
Hacker Evolution: Duality - Inception Part 3
Hacker Evolution: Duality - Hardcore Package 1
Hacker Evolution: Duality - Hardcore Package 2
Hacker Evolution: Duality - Hacker Bootcamp
Purchase at Bundle Stars