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Guerrilla Collective 2024: Under The Island

Recapture the memories of charming 90's titles with Under The Island! Inspired by retro titles where you created your own adventure, this Slime King Games-developed title gives you the capability to set out on a journey to save your sinking town!

This charming title took a section of the Top Hat Studios segment in Guerrilla Collective, and in it, we got to see a lot of the gameplay that'll come as you try to save the town! It is all very old Zelda titles, chockful of things to do, dungeons to complete, and even hilarious dialogue!

We don't yet have an official release date for Under The Island, but we're hoping to hear more information sometime in the future! For now, it's set on Steam as "To be announced".

Summer Game Fest 2024
Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Junior Editor

A lean, mean, SEO machine

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