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Guerrilla Collective 2024: Grifford Adacemy Official Story Trailer

Evil has arrived and taken over the magical book of Caldria. It is up to you to jump into the world and save it by eradicating the evil that has consumed it — but be wary, your decisions will shape the personality of the cast!

In the emotional trailer shown off in the Guerrilla Collective 2024, we get to meet a slew of the cast, featuring the protagonists Erika, Viva, Cap, and Jinne, alongside some of the traits that define them as characters!

Your choices matter in this title, as it'll shape the flaws in the characters that you interact with and — in turn — how they engage in battle. Are you ready to save Caldria?

Grifford Academy is set to release sometime this year, though you can start your journey early by checking out the demo available on Steam right now!

Summer Game Fest 2024
Artura Dawn

Artura Dawn

Staff Writer

Writes in her sleep, can you tell?

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