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Guerrilla Collective 2024: Bloodless

In Bloodless, players will experience a stylish action-adventure by developer Point N' Sheep and publisher 3D Realms! In it, they'll step into the role of Tomoe — a ronin who fights with nothing but her bare fists!

Unfortunately for her, she'll need to fight her former allies, the samurai army of Shogun Akechi, in an attempt to end the reign of terror of her former master as she confronts the ghosts of her past.

Check out the trailer to get a better glimpse of the environment and combat! And if it interests you, don't forget to try out the demo that's currently available at the time of writing and wishlist the game on Steam.

Summer Game Fest 2024
Violet Plata

Violet Plata

Staff Writer

Liable to jump at her own shadow.

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