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Grip Digital Cease Publishing Titles

Grip Digital Cease Publishing Titles

Yesterday the developer/publisher Grip Digital seemingly dropped the "/publisher" part of that description. Two of the games it published were removed from sale on Steam, one of which had previously been removed from sale on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Game Store.

Both Skylar & Plux: Adventure On Clover Island and Foosball: World Tour received the same posting on their Steam news pages.

Hey everyone!

We would like to announce that we are closing sales of the Skylar & Plux: Adventure on Clover Island title on Steam, we really appreciate everyone that joined us on the journey on Clover Island and we wish you the best!

With gratitude,

Grip Digital

With the Foosball: World Tour post replacing the game title and "us on the journey on Clover Island" being replaced with "in for the world tour".

The announcement was apparently a surprise to the developer of Skylar & Plux, as game designer Dennis Löfgren took to the Steam forum.

Hey everybody. I'm Dennis Löfgren, game designer at Right Nice Games (the developers of Skylar and Plux). We were unaware of this takedown as well as the takedowns on PS and Xbox. We're trying to get in touch with Grip Digital (the publisher) and see if there is anyway we can get the game back up and available for purchase. In the meantime, keep an eye out on our Twitter @RightNiceGames.

According to tweets on the developer Twitter account, they have been trying to get in touch with Grip Digital since the removal on consoles in June.

The three titles which Grip Digital has developer credit for on Steam are still available, with no sign of a similar notice.

Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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