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GOG Offer Absolutions in the Form of Their Latest Staff Picks

GOG always seem to have unique themes for their sale events. This weeks Staff Picks discounts are no different. The theme they have picked is "New Years Absolutions" and although we had to check the calendar to see if it's earlier in the month than we had realised, we still approve of the concept!

The idea behind it is giving people a chance to get absolution for those games that they should have bought, but never got round to it. The games that everyone says are brilliant, but you just never picked up at the time and keep meaning to. Some highlights of the sale include:

If you want some money off some under-appreciated classics then why not head on over to GOG now. You have until the 29th of January when the deals end for the week.


Gary "Dombalurina" Sheppard

Staff Writer

Gary maintains his belief that the Amstrad CPC is the greatest system ever and patiently awaits the sequel to "Rockstar ate my Hamster"

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trbickmore - 11:47pm, 25th January 2016

Put a good few hours into Pillars but I'm just rubbish at those kinda RPGs. 

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