GOG New Year Interplay Sale and Duke Nukem Discounts
GOG seem to be on to something here. With their Christmas sale focusing on Bethesda games, they're repeating the process for their New Year Sale, this time focusing on Interplay instead. There's 35 titles in the sale with discounts of up to 60%
Space combat sim Freespace 2 heads up a list that's populated by classic games such as MDK2, Kingpin, Star Trek: 25th Anniversary and Descent: Freespace. The sale lasts from now until the 3rd January at 10.59pm
In other GOG news, the Duke Nukem series will soon be removed from sale. To give the audacious self proclaimed king a final hurrah, all the games in the series currently on GOG have been reduced to silly prices until the end of the year. That means you can pick up Duke Nukem, Duke Nukem II, Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project, Balls of Steel and Duke Nukem 3D Atomic Edition for £1.56, saving a whopping 90%. If you buy now, the titles will be available to download later from your library but they will be removed from the store soon after the new year arrives so this is your last chance to chew some gum and kick butt.