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Goat Simulator Launch Trailer

Like any sane person, we have a fear of goats. This trailer does nothing to assuage our fears of their appearance or actions.

However it is quite hilarious. And altogether terrifying. Like a comedian who is also a ninja.

It shows us a world where a goat has run amok and creates all kinds of disaster and personal harm.  Even huge explosions and house fires. It perfectly illustrated the new 'lick' physics and just how buggy - and therefore humorous - it can be.

If you pre-order now, you can get early access and begin uploading goat videos to YouTube for others to laugh at. After all, the official website has a FAQ:

Q: Can we monetize off of gameplay videos we make on youtube/twitch?

A: Yes, just as long as you give credit to us for the game, you may get as rich as you want through gameplay videos, reviews, previews and the like.

Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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