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Goat Simulator Gets Physical Release in UK

Goat Simulator Gets Physical Release in UK

Koch Media, the owners of the publishers behind Saint's Roy, Deep Silver, announced on their Facebook page today that they were planning to release recent independent sensation Goat Simulator on physical media in the UK.

Goat Simulator, which involves realistic simulation of goat activities such as jet pack flight and dragging humans around with their adhesive tongues was released on Steam earlier this year and so far has only been distributed digitally. Koch Media have made no comment so far as to pricing, whether the game will still require Steam authentication or a physical release date.

Goat Simulator is currently available on Steam for £6.99 in the UK and $9.99 in America.



Jonathan Durham

Jonathan Durham

News Reporter

With a backlog that would bury a man, Jonathan writes about games to ward off the thought he might, one day, suffer that very fate.

Share this: Source: Koch Media UK


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