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Goat Simulator 1.1 Patch Underway

Goat Simulator 1.1 Patch Underway

In an announcement on their blog Coffee Stain Studios, the developers behind titles such as I <3 Strawberries, Super Sanctum and, of course, Goat Simulator have laid out the content of the first patch for the recently released title in lieu of DLC.

Like we've mentioned before, a lot of our fans have been asking for DLCs for Goat Simulator. However, we figured we'd do a completely free content update and just patch it in instead!

The 1.1 patch will include a new map, local split screen multiplayer for 2-4 players, achievements, parkour features and bikes.

That's right. Bikes.

The 1.1 patch will be released on June 3rd, so if you haven't yet you can grab a copy of Goat Simulator from the official website or Steam.

Jonathan Durham

Jonathan Durham

News Reporter

With a backlog that would bury a man, Jonathan writes about games to ward off the thought he might, one day, suffer that very fate.

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