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Give Goats, Get Games

Give Goats, Get Games

Heifer International, Coffee Stain Studios and MagicaTimeBean are teaming up in the charity initiative 'Games for Goats' in a bid to alleviate hunger and poverty worldwide, . Donators can choose from a range of donation packages to give, ranging  from $20 for a small clutch of chicks to $850 that will buy a family a camel. Any donation over $20 towards the scheme will get those charitable givers in the gaming world Steam codes for the hottest goat based titles in the gaming world right now, Escape Goat and Goat Simulator


Goat Simulator is the latest indy smash hit to find its way to Steam and has players controlling goats and running rampage through a sandbox setting as they bike, jet pack, smash and generally wreak destruction in one of the most accurate simulators on the market. Escape Goat has players navigate a puzzle filled maze with the aid of a mouse and a magic hat. Both are available for PC and Escape Goat is also available on Mac and Linux.

Heifer International are a non profit organization working towards the elimination of poverty and hunger through sustainable, values-based holistic community development. By distributing animals and agricultural training, they provide families in need the means of become self sufficient, as well as ensuring that recipients spread the gift by donating offspring to other families.

For those of you out there who are having semantic issues with donating bees under the guise of goats, Goat Simulator developer Armin Ibrisagic has you covered;

“All animals are goats. Horses are goats with longer legs. Bears are goats with fur.” At least, so far as the game is concerned.

Jonathan Durham

Jonathan Durham

News Reporter

With a backlog that would bury a man, Jonathan writes about games to ward off the thought he might, one day, suffer that very fate.

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