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Gigantic Coming to Xbox One

The team action game Gigantic has been confirmed by Motiga to be coming to Windows 10 and Xbox One. In fact, it is going to be a Windows 10 launch title!

Working with Microsoft, who incidentally is a 20-minute drive from Motiga's offices - they feel that it will make a great addition to the Xbox One. And as the two frameworks are so similar, an easy job to convert to/from Windows 10.

This means that current development for Windows 7 and 8 versions of Gigantic will cease, but as upgrading to Windows 10 is free they see no harm in that as it won't cost gamers anything to keep playing.

Currently cross-platform is being planned, but Motiga want to implement it as an opt-in feature. So you can play with/against console gamers from your PC if you wish.

Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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