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Get the Lowdown on Killing Floor 2's Neon Nightmares Update

Tripwire sure knows how to keep a game's community alive. The studio's penchant for ceaselessly supporting its games continues with the newly-released Neon Nightmares update for Killing Floor 2. Check out the launch trailer above and read on to find out what's new.

New Map: Biolapse


Players can make use of the numerous traps and winding layout of this abandoned Horzine lab in their battle against Zeds. This map is compatible with both 'Survival' and ' Weekly' game modes.

New Weapons

HRG Incendiary Assault Rifle

A variant of the M16 M203 Assault Rifle for the Firebug class. This fiery assault rifle, erm... fires out flaming bullets and grenades.

Compound Bow

Added in the update as paid DLC, this powerful bow can fire regular, piercing arrows; cryo-charged freezing arrows; and it can also deal damage at close-range with an attached blade—certain to make any Sharpshooter a true force to be reckoned with.

Cosmetics and More

On top of this, a range of Neon Nightmare themed cosmetics have been added to the game; the update's trailer shows off some particularly garish getups. More Biolapse related achievements have been added too, as well as a host of bug-fixes, tweaks and minor gameplay adjustments. For more details, check out the changelog here.


In celebration of this update, Tripwire is offering Killing Floor 2 at a 67% discount on Steam.  

The Neon Nightmares update is out now for Killing Floor 2 on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.

Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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