Get Ready to Assimilate with Star Trek Online: Incursion!
Star Trek Online just announced the next story in the long-beloved MMORPG. Star Trek Online: Incursion features the Borg, an antagonist well-known to the franchise, and while details are vague, Gearbox Publishing and Cryptic Studios also stated that players will be aided by a “powerful new ally”.
Fans of the MMORPG will be able to enjoy a slew of changes to the game. Detailed are two new Task Force Operations — Resistance of Starbase One and Guillotine — alongside the T6 Ship Upgrade Expansion from T60X to the T6-X2, a Season 30 event named the Borg Tesseract, and a new Prodigy Lockbox! This is proving to be quite a large update.
Star Trek Online: Incursion will be released on the 12th of September, followed by a November 1st launch for PlayStation 4 and Xbox Series X|S respectively.