Gears 5 Cover Art and Release Date Potentially Leaked
Last year, Microsoft revealed gameplay for next mainline installment of the Gears of War franchise during their E3 presentation. Since its initial unveiling, details on Gears 5 have been relatively sparse, with most assuming that a concrete release date would be revealed at E3 along with more details about the game.
It appears however that Taiwan’s official ratings board have beaten them to the announcement, with the board not only leaking the game’s box art, but also the 10th September release date. While a September release might seem surprisingly soon, this isn’t the first time a Gears of War title has released during that month, with Gears of War 3 also having a September release.
The box art most prominently features Kait, which isn’t surprising given her focus in the reveal trailer shown last year. The Queen of the Locust Horde and Marcus Fenix are also featured on the cover, alongside Gears of War 4 protagonists Del and JD.
Gears 5 will be available exclusively on Microsoft platforms as well as the Xbox Game Pass service.