Gauntlet Trailer Released
The new Gauntlet trailer hopes to entice gamers with the latest installment in a series that got its start as Atari arcade games.
With a surprisingly epic-sounding narration given its visual style, Gauntlet's trailer gives players a look at the game's four player hack-n-slash style gameplay. Notable for being one of the first multiplayer games when the original Gauntlet was released in 1985, the series has been updated with new installments intermittently over the years, the latest one being for the PlayStation 2 in 2005.
Given the series' legacy as a beloved cultural artifact from the 1980's and its reputation for not always being taken seriously, one wonders how much of the "Invade the Darkness" tagline is meant to be taken as tongue in cheek. Regardless, Gauntlet it set to release this summer and clearly hopes to draw in a newer audience to the series with this newest release for the PC.