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GameGrin's Weekly Round-Up #5 - Mass Effect: Andromeda, Outlast 2 and Super Mario Run

Welcome to GameGrin’s weekly round-up with TGK. A selection of the biggest news stories from the world of videogames.

This week there's news that Mass Effect: Andromeda is hitting the headlines for all the wrong reasons, Australia find yet another reason to halt a game's release, and that Super Mario makes his debut on Android.

Don't forget to follow GameGrin on social media and let us know what you think of this week's news, down in the comments section below.

Trending topics of the week:

GameGrin Interviews Train Simulator World Producer Matt Peddlesden

Whatever happened to...Alan Wake?

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James Bralant

James Bralant

Staff Writer

James spends his time playing almost anything. Talents include: having a socially-awkward hair colour and getting far too angry after losing

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