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GameGrin's Halloween Competition

GameGrin's Halloween Competition

To celebrate the spookiest (and arguably best) season of the year, we have a load of spooky games you can have the chance to win! From zombies, to space pirates, to werewolves and Alma, we have everything your ghoulish soul could desire!

Here is the full list of games up for grabs:

  • F.E.A.R.
  • Dead Rising 2
  • The Wolf Among Us
  • Alien Rage: Unlimited
  • I Am Vegend - Zombiegeddion
  • Space Pirates and Zombies
  • Zombie Tycoon 2: Brainhov's Revenge
  • Burn Zombie Burn!
  • All Zombies Must Die!: Scorepocalypse
  • I, Zombie

To enter, you have to go to this link, and reply to the forum thread of the game of your choice - you may have to create an account in order to post if you don't have one already.

The competition is open until 9pm GMT Thursday 29th October 2020.

We will then randomise all the names and pick out a winner for each game on the 30th October!



PR Liaison

Jess has been a passionate gamer since a young age. She likes to read and partake in theatre groups as acting is her second passion.

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