GameGrin Advent Extravaganza 2017 - 8th December
The GameGrin Advent Extravaganza is back once again! It's time for festive holidays and every day until 25th December we're going to be giving away a free game to a lucky winner! Be sure to check the Winners' Hub to see if you've got a prize waiting!
The game up for grabs today is...
Polaris Sector
Star Hammer
Distant Worlds
That's right, FOUR GAMES! Donated by those generous people at GOG.
For a chance to win the game, all you have to do is leave a comment below. The winner will be announced in the Winners' Hub tomorrow at 8pm (GMT).
Acelister - 08:40pm, 8th December 2017
Can you forget to post one of these more often, so we can get 4 games again?
DCello - 08:42pm, 8th December 2017
All those games sound sci-fi.
pucechan - 08:46pm, 8th December 2017
Can't beat a bit of Sky High Sci-Fi Strategification!
fortuna730 - 11:31pm, 8th December 2017
Perfect space strategies)))
Dombalurina - 10:51am, 9th December 2017
Hello, thank for sharinng. I would be very interested in win GameGrin Advent Extravaganza 2017 - 8th Decembe. Please consider me in competiion. Also check out this random website: <redacted>
Cronos - 11:18am, 9th December 2017
Distant Worlds?!?!?!?! Mineminemineminemine.
Iamdeadlyz - 12:29pm, 9th December 2017
Woot! Taking an entry ^-^
AJCrowley - 04:30pm, 9th December 2017
NORKS. That is all.
Tnekarma1289 - 05:26pm, 9th December 2017
Hey who doesn't like free games?