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Free Weekend of Riders Republic to Celebrate Collaboration

Ubisoft has announced that Riders Republic will be available to play for free from the 10th–14th of February and players can begin pre-loading the game on PlayStation already. 

Ubisoft also announced its partnership with the Italian brand Prada to bring the iconic red stripe collection, Prada Linea Rossa, to the outdoor sports playground.

Starting the 8th of February, players will see sections of the Riders Republic social hub decorated with the colours of the collection. And thanks to the partnership players will also experience unique activities and cosmetics such as:

  • Prada Beyond the Line: A new solo or versus friends event that will take place on one of the snow parks of the Republic and will allow players to use the Faction vs Prada Linea Rossa skis as well as the Riders Republic jumbo bike and new freestyle snowmobile for free. 
  • An original in-game outfit designed by Prada for Riders Republic. Players can unlock the outfit by competing in the Shackdaddy Bandits weekly challenges.
  • A new Prada sponsor program featuring new gear such as: a bike, skis, snowboard, and two additional original Prada outfits.

New players that would like to continue playing after the free weekend will be able to keep their game progression and enjoy up to 50% discounts on Riders Republic.

The free weekend will kick off on the 10th of February for Playstation 5, Playstation 4, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One.

Violet Plata

Violet Plata

Staff Writer

Liable to jump at her own shadow.

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