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Free inFAMOUS Second Son Ringtones and WallPapers

Free inFAMOUS Second Son Ringtones and WallPapers

To celebrate inFAMOUS Second Son's first birthday, Suckerpunch and PlayStation are offering a plethora of freebies and discounted inFAMOUS goodies. 

As part of the free fan kit, available here, you'll have access to a variety of cover art and avatars available for use on Facebook and Twitter, along with phone wallpapers and Delsin and Fetch's infamous (sorry) ringtones which you can download onto your phone.

As well as the aforementioned, Suckerpunch are also offering 50% discount on inFAMOUS Second Son's stand alone DLC, First Light, which introduces the backstory of Fetch. This is to treat fans that may have missed First Light while it was available on PS Plus in January and will be available from 27th March until 30th March.

Introducing Delsin Rowe, a power absorbing conduit into the universe, inFAMOUS Second Son has sold over 3.5 million units since its release back in 2014.

Dom D'Angelillo

Dom D'Angelillo

Staff Writer

Dom is an English Language graduate. How does he make the most of his degree? He plays obscene amounts of Playstation of course!


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