Former-S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Devs Releasing Battle Royale Game Fear the Wolves
Vostok Games, the developer behind Survarium, and made up of former-S.T.A.L.K.E.R. team members, has announced it's latest title, cashing in on the battle royale genre - Fear the Wolves.
As with others in the genre, it features 100 people dumped on a map - in this case an irradiated Chernobyl - and fighting it out to be the last one standing. Players will either be alone or in squads, but there's more to consider...
To secure the top spot, players will need to worry about more than just other survivors. Across the hostile wastes, everyone is threatened by deadly anomalies and the dynamically-changing weather. Along with a day-night cycle, this constantly forces survivors to adapt their strategies, and players can find protective gear that allows them to explore dangerous off-limit zones. All the while, the howls of mutated creatures echo through the wasteland…
Fear the Wolves is entering Early Access later this year.
LittleBigBoots - 03:43pm, 7th February 2018
I want to hate the fact everyone is jumping on the Battle Royale bandwagon but we are getting some quality titles for the genre so I can't.
Acelister - 07:30am, 8th February 2018 Author
It's not my kind of genre, but it makes a change from survival games and CoD-style shooters.