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Find the Sabotr in Embr's New Mode

Developer Muse Games made a big point to tell everyone about Embr now being available on Xbox Game Pass for both PC and console, but it buried the lede.

While being made available to people with an active Game Pass subscription is good for the playerbase, the big news is actually in the new mode which came available at the same time.

Called Secret Hosr, the new mode pits three Embr "employees" against a Hosr "employee" who is working against them. While the Embr people are trying to save clients, put out fires and disarm bombs, the secret Hosr is trying to kill the clients and set the bombs off!

Just when you think things couldn’t get more fast and frenzied, suddenly Secret Hosr drops. We can’t wait to see how players work as a team to defuse bombs planted by rival corporate spies, and to see the carnage that arises when players start pointing the finger at each other as the potential ‘Sabotr’. It’s the next step in Embr’s evolution, and we’re excited to welcome the millions of players on GamePass to the party as well.

- Howard Tsao, Team Lead, Muse Games

It's not an entirely original idea, of course, but since it's a free update to the console versions, and a free DLC on Steam, you can't really complain.

Embr is available on PC, Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, but is compatible with the newer consoles, too.

Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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