Far Cry 4 Ultimate Kyrat Edition
Showing a bunch of vehicles, animals, weaponry and set pieces, Far Cry 4 looks set to be the most mental instalment of the series yet.
Elephants will trample, gyrocopters will fly and barrels will explode, just like every crazy game idea ever had by a ten-year-old. And it looks glorious.
But enough about the game - more will come sooner rather than later.
Inside your Kyrat Edition collectors box you will get a travel journal, a map of Kyrat, a propaganda poster and a statue of Pagan Min - who is voiced by Troy Baker in the game. You will also get three exclusive single-player missions starring Hurk - who was in exclusive missions in Far Cry 3 - and an exclusive weapon: the harpoon gun.
Exclusive to the UPlay shop is the Collectors Kryat Edition, which has everything above as well as the season pass and "Future Pack™ Metal Box".
Which edition will you get? Or will you wait for the fifteen other editions as Ubisoft attempt to break their record number of editions, currently held by Watch_Dogs?