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Evolve Gold Monster Skin Free This Weekend Only

Evolve Gold Monster Skin Free This Weekend Only

Turtle Rock Studios developed a skin used only by them - so far. The golden Monster skin, which turns Goliath, Wraith and co. into metallic ferociousness.

And you can get it! Free!

All you need to do: Play!

Play alongside us. Play against us. Just jump online and get into an Evolve match between 9:00 PM PT on Thursday, March 5th and 9:00 PM PT on Sunday, March 8th and metallic glory is yours. (These skins will be delivered to players sometime after the weekend ends, but before Saturday, March 14th.)

It's a way to thank early adopters of the multiplayer players-vs-player game.

They also mention the St. Patrick’s Day Trapper Challenge, of which more details will surface soon...


Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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Kaostic - 12:34am, 7th March 2015

Oh darn, looks like I have to play Evolve.

Kaostic - 05:38pm, 7th March 2015

I'm actually a little lost on this. Do I just have to play this weekend, or do I have to play with the devs?

Acelister - 05:42pm, 7th March 2015 Author

Just play, as the first line says. Perhaps clearer from the link: So, this weekend only, play a few rounds of Evolve and we will reward you with the coveted TRS Gold Skins for Goliath, Kraken and Wraith – free.

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