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Enter the Thargoid Maelstroms in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey

Enter the Thargoid Maelstroms in Elite Dangerous: Odyssey

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey has gotten its 15th update titled Update 15. While fixing bugs and modifying a number of features during the next stage of the Thargoid War, the update will give players a chance to pilot a Thargoid ship and go on new on-foot missions. Also in the update, players, or should I say Commanders, will be able to discover mysteries lying dormant in the eight Maelstroms that travel through the gas clouds from the previous update, as you continue to war against the Thargoid threat.

Commanders will also be able to equip the Thargoid Pulse Neutraliser module. The module helps ships move smoothly around the noxious gas clouds as well as preventing the new Maelstrom ships from shutting down player’s ships — letting players find new discoveries and Thargoid squads as well. Once found, the commanders will find — when searching around the Maelstroms — the war has only just begun.

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey'snew update will introduce the new Hunter-class Thargoid vessel titled the Glaive that travels alongside Thargoid ships. In battle, the aggressive but nimble ship co-operates with other vessels to prevent human ships from retreating or fleeing from the fight, and the gas clouds. To counteract these measures, commanders must rethink their approach when engaging in future battles.

Outside of space conflict, the new on-foot missions will take players to abandoned settlements to restore vital infrastructure for the war effort while rewarding the player. Once landed, commanders will face a new variant of the foe, Thargoid Scavengers called the Revenant, a sentry more powerful than the traditional enemy types. Facing them will again force the player to plan ahead of the fight while repairing the settlement. These missions can be found on various starports at any point.

New and current players who own Elite Dangerous on PC and playing in Live Mode will get access to a wider narrative experience in Update 15, despite not owning Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. However, all on-foot content will exclusively be only for players who own Elite Dangerous: Odyssey.

Bennett Perry

Bennett Perry

Staff Writer

Like one of those people who writes for a gaming site

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