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Elite: Dangerous Opens Design a Paint Job Competition

Elite: Dangerous Opens Design a Paint Job Competition

If you can use the Fill function of Paint, or are a actually talented artist, you can have your designs plastered on ships across the universe!

Elite Dangerous developer Frontier have opened a competition to get some lucky artist's design daubed all over player's ships.

Design the Viper, Anaconda, Cobra MkIII, Vulture and Asp colour schemes, using no more than three colours, and you could win a copy of it for your ship. Oh, and three for your friends and be famous across known space.

Important information and rules:

- Anyone that is selected will receive their paint job for free (as will three friends of the winner’s choosing)

- Stick to three colours maximum and favour strong bold colours that work from a distance

- Frontier Developments’ decision on the winner is final

- Entries must use the templates provided

- We reserve the right to tweak and make changes to the final design in order to make it work with the in-game models

- We have the right to disqualify any entries

- Avoid copyrighted materials or designs as they will be disqualified

- Frontier Developments remains in control of sales relating to the winning paint job

- The competition closes on 30/08/15

- The paintjobs will only be available on Elite: Dangerous for PC and Mac

Head over here for details on where to email, and to grab high-res versions of the ship images. You have until 30th August to email them in!

vulture paint2

Andrew Duncan

Andrew Duncan


Guaranteed to know more about Transformers and Deadpool than any other staff member.

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Acelister - 12:19pm, 21st August 2015 Author

I'm sure we could get a GameGrin-themed design made...

Hamiltonious - 12:46pm, 21st August 2015

Knowing our staff it would be covered in cartoon penises.
