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Elder Scrolls Online Reveals End Game Content

Elder Scrolls Online Reveals End Game Content

With a little over a week left until its release (not that we’re keeping track, mind you), Elder Scrolls Online developer Zenimax has released its first peek at the MMO’s end game content—what players will be able to do once they reach the level 50 cap.

In a post on the game’s official website, Creative Director Paul Sage explained that Elder Scrolls Online has been designed with flexibility in mind—players can train from any skill tree, and equip any weapons and armor—and the end game, or “veteran”, content is no different. Players will have access to almost two-thirds of the game’s quests and features after reaching level 50; a good portion of that will be things like the Alliance Wars, the game’s PvP between its three factions, which players will have access to before maxing out as well.


“We’ve tried to avoid the danger of compartmentalizing,” Sage writes, adding that the developers and designers recognise that players may switch their gameplay style from day to day, something they hope to reflect in ESO’s own design. Veteran content includes PvE and PvP experiences for players to enjoy, which range from solo quests to large-scale PvP battles for control of keeps and resources.

 Unique to the game's veteran content however, are what it calls "adventure zones": areas that function similar to end game dungeons and instances in other MMORPGs. Revealing one called Craglorn, which features a storyline revolving around the series' eponymous constellations disappearing from the sky, Sage explains that adventure zones are designed for groups of four players. While the design of each zone varies, all adventure zones are replayable and will feature a boss battle and Skyshard.


Another unique piece of veteran content are twelve-person "trials", in which players race against the clock to fight enemies and place on a leaderboard. Groups will have a limited number of ressurections, called a Soul Resevoir, and making mistakes or player deaths will add penalty time to the clock.

However, Sage adds that the end game content of Elder Scrolls Online is far from final, and developers plan to add more content as the MMO develops, broaden the player experience for both pre- and post-level 50 players, hinting whimsically at the idea of adding horse racing at a later date.

Ruth Krabacher

Ruth Krabacher

Staff Writer / News Writer

After being told dragontamer is "not a real job", she settled for being a word typer-upper. Finally got those San Diego Comic Con tickets.

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