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E3 2015 - Star Wars: Battlefront Gameplay Trailer

EA have revealed a gameplay trailer for their upcoming multiplayer shooter, Star Wars: Battlefront.

With modes ranging from eight to 40 players, you can also participate in single-player modes taking part in missions against AI on your own, in co-op online or split screen.

The gameplay trailer, captured on a PS4, takes place on Hoth as the rebel forces are being attacked by the Imperial Forces. 

Featuring blasters, TIE Fighters and AT-ATs, it's enough to make your mouth water, take a look at the trailer above. 

Star Wars: Battlefront will be release on 17th November 2015.

Dom D'Angelillo

Dom D'Angelillo

Staff Writer

Dom is an English Language graduate. How does he make the most of his degree? He plays obscene amounts of Playstation of course!

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Ewok - 12:25am, 16th June 2015

Excuse me while I change my trousers.

weeboon - 05:36am, 16th June 2015

Nice, but hopefully without too many DLCs.

Ewok - 10:50am, 16th June 2015

I predict 4 substantive map packs. Maybe some additional alien race character skins down the line.

fazer - 10:51am, 16th June 2015

Fapping even on ps4 footage.
