For nearly three decades, the Dynasty Warriors franchise has grown into a beloved musou series that is enjoyed by fans of all ages. As one warrior fighting 1,000, these thrilling battles have expanded on a sense of realism on the battlefield by focusing on the overwhelming odds. So, it is with great delight that Koei Tecmo and Omega Force have announced DYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINS, the newest entry in the series.
While the previous games have exclusively used historical figures as their protagonists, ORIGINS will be the first to tell the tales of the Three Kingdoms through the eyes of a nameless hero. Playing as the nameless hero, you'll be sure to encounter fan-favourite characters, (such as Lu Bu) and so many more.
If you want a new level of tension as you battle in the vast lands of China, then you won't have to wait too long. With an expected release in 2025, DYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINS will be available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Steam. So, keep your ears to the ground to prepare to do battle.