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Dual Universe Pre-Alpha Teaser Video

Novaquark, a Paris-based game studio with veterans from Ubisoft, Sony, Apple and Gameloft has released their first playable build of Dual Universe. Kickstarter backers who pledged at Gold Founder level and above will have access to this build. Reaching its goal of €500,000 Dual Universe became the third most funded videogame title of last year.

Dual Universe is a sci-fi MMO that promises to bring new experiences to the genre, allowing players to level mountains, build cities, ships, orbital stations and even blow a hole through the moon. In order to manage this monumental task of potentially millions of players each at a time, editing the universe, Dual Universe uses CSSC (Continuous Single-Shard Cluster). Utilising a multi-scale voxel engine that allows multiple players to physically modify and build in the universe around them on a large scale.

Novaquark is handing the reins to the player, allowing them to build a virtual world where they hope millions will come together and collectively build civilisations, create their own adventures and even wage war against one another.

Dual Universe is set to be released December 2018 and will be available for PC.

Kayla Hill

Kayla Hill

Social Manager

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