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Dreamscaper Launches Into Steam Early Access

Face your inner demons as Cassidy, the hero of Afterburner Studios' latest ARPG, Dreamscaper.  Out now on Steam Early Access, the game incorporates roguelite elements while combining both story and action in an alternating day/night cycle. Check out the Early Access launch trailer above.

During the day, players will forge relationships with their fellow townsfolk, uncovering Cassidy's story in the process. By growing these relationships, she'll grow stronger and unlock new combat abilities for her night-time combat trials. During these night-time segments, the game becomes a hack-and-slash dungeon crawler with combat, puzzles and unique events.

With 44 enemy types, almost 200 distinct items, 200 unique dungeon encounters and 48 story vignettes, Dreamscaper is launching on Early Access with a veritable wealth of content. If you're interested in either roguelites, dungeon crawlers or emotionally resonant gaming experiences, this could be one to watch out for.


Dreamscaper is out now for Steam Early Access.

Jamie Davies

Jamie Davies

Staff Writer

Raised on a steady diet of violent shooters and sugary cereal. He regrets no part of this

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